Hi, can anyone comment on this?


On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 12:25 AM, Anil Jangam <anilj.mail...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to understand how can I setup a Apache httpd instance with
> proxy functionality addition to an integration of a Application Server.
> I am looking for is that Proxy should be able to forward the HTTP Requests
> and Response messages coming from client to this Application Server. At the
> same time, any HTTP Responses coming from Origin server should also be able
> to route to Application Server if any processing is required. The network
> diagram looks like below.
> +-------+
> | Orig |
>  | Server|
> +-------+
>   |  |
>   |  |
>  +-------+ +-------+
> |Proxy |------>|App |
>  |Server |<------|Server |
>  +-------+ +-------+
>   |  |
>   |  |
> +-------+
>  |Client |
> | |
>  +-------+
> Technically speaking, I can as well implement the App Server logic in the
> httpd as another module, but I do not want to do that. I want to leverage
> the flexibility of Java, and this App Server is essentially is a Tomcat
> instance.
> What I learned so far is we can use mod_proxy, mod_jk, mod_proxy_ajp etc.
> However, these combinations are either providing the functionality of a
> load balancer or reverse proxy functionality.
> As stated above, my requirement is to intercept both the HTTP traffic
> path, and have them processed by App Server via Proxy. Can you please
> provide me the solution options for this requirement?
> Please also point me to any references/tutorials/how-to guides if
> available.
> Thanks,
> /anil.

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