On Sat, 2013-03-30 at 13:51 -0400, Stormy wrote:

> At 12:05 PM 3/30/2013 +1000, Noel Butler wrote:
> > Sounds like a package manager problem to me
> I'm not sure of that, but I'm not a php expert :(  Just been doing
> some testing on the sandbox (dpkg --force-all, not apt), and it comes
> back to php lack of thread safety. Blowfish encryptation doesn't
> function without full php and 
> libapache2-mod-php5, and if I leave 

Uhg, yeah, but this is because the way your operating system distro
vendor has packaged these softwares.
libapache2-mod-php5 is not an official package name

Try getting httpd and php sources and build them, its why I wont touch
things like that from certain distros, too much butchering goes on.  php
has a helpful mailing list for php related questions, but AFAIK, php is
thread safe, but not all modules might be, again, a question for them as
its not httpd related.

> th
> ose in place and go back to mpm-worker (faster, less overhead for my
> server usage) I seem to be in trouble with env vars (setlocale.php).
> Not sure if I can run FastCGI and remove mod-php? I've read that this
> would restore thread safety by 
> taking php outside Apache (2.2.22 on U 12.04 LTS)
> By the way, is there a "quick" way of swapping between worker and
> prefork without re-compiling? That would make my testing a whole lot
> easier.

httpd -l  and look to see whats there

I am using only 2.4 now, event (similar, but advanced to, worker) is now
the default MPM, if you want prefork compile with   --with-mpm=prefork

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