On Apr 25, 2013, at 12:36 PM, "Tom Evans" <tevans...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 4:53 PM, Chris Arnold
> <carn...@electrichendrix.com> wrote:
>> On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:32 AM, "Tom Evans" wrote:
>> Because reverse proxy does not work
> ...
> The *only* way to get content from a backend is via reverse proxy.
>> As I stated in an earlier post, apache does not start when more than 1 ssl
>> virtual host (complains about overlap)
> Not using vhosts is frankly more trouble than it is worth. Use vhosts.
> Post about the problem that using vhosts gives you. You must be using
> the same certificate for both hostnames anyway (presumably a wildcard
> cert or using subjectAltName, or you just ignore the errors?), so the
> configuration should be pretty straightforward.
>> We have many different things that run on this server and apache handles
>> them. When using "/" in your proxy config, everything stops working, email,
>> other websites etc.
> So don't proxy from /, or add specific excludes for the paths you do
> not want to be proxied:
> ProxyPass /email !
> ProxyPass /
> Again, this problem goes away if you correctly separate out your
> separate hosts into their own vhost configuration.
>> I covered this in my first email but will try to describe it again: server
>> behind an apache server that we need users to get to using
>> https://apps.domain.tld. The app resides at http:///sub. We need apache to
>> catch the https://apps.domain.tld request and send to https://another
>> server/sub
> NameVirtualHost *:443
> <VirtualHost *:443>
>  ServerName www.domain.tld
>  SSLEngine On
>  SSLCertificateFile ..
>  SSLCertificateKeyFile ..
>  # All your current directives that apply to www
> </VirtualHost>
> <VirtualHost *:443>
>  ServerName apps.domain.tld
>  SSLEngine On
>  SSLCertificateFile ..
>  SSLCertificateKeyFile ..
>  ProxyPass /
>  ProxyPassReverse /
> </VirtualHost>

Ok, I got namevirtualhost working on 443. I also made a new VirtualHost as you 
instructed above. In fact, https://apps.domain.tld does make it to the other 
server, Now the problem is the proxied url does not complete, it 
stops at https://apps.domain.tld/sub/sub. it should be 
https://apps.domain.tld/sub/sub/sub/login page. How do I get the full uri to 

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