On 10/22/2013 9:12 AM, Pete Houston wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 08:26:57AM -0400, Dennis Putnam wrote:
>> I get a gray globe indicating
>> partial encryption which does not prevent eavesdropping. I have no clue
>> how to debug this or even where to look. Can someone point me in the
>> right direction? Thanks.
> This is usually indicative of a page served over https which references
> some elements served over http (ie. unencrypted). These unencrypted
> elements are usually images, stylesheets, script files, etc. As such
> it is unrelated to your server configuration and is entirely down to
> the content.
> HTH,
> Pete
Thanks. That might make more sense (at least to me). After more reading,
I am not sure that I don't have SNI capable version of httpd already
installed (how do I tell?). The pages that work are very simple but the
one that doesn't is complex and has lots of graphics. If that is the
case, why are they not encrypted like everything else (assuming they are
not referenced on a different server)?

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