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On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Érico <> wrote:

> Hi
> no idea on this please?
> Thks
> On 27 de dezembro de 2013 15:15, Érico <> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have compile httpd local in my macbook ( macos 10.6.8 ) and I am trying
>> to configure an alias to use mysqladmin
>> For this I have created the following alias in my http.conf :
>> ....
>> #ServerName
>> ServerName localhost:80
>> ....
>> <IfModule alias_module>
>> ....
>> # directives as to Alias.
>> #
>> ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/
>> "/Users/ericomtx/development/apache2/cgi-bin/"
>> ....
>> Alias /mysql/ "/Users/ericomtx/development/php/MySQL-Admin_3_4_0_full/"
>>     <Directory "/Users/ericomtx/development/php/MySQL-Admin_3_4_0_full/">
>>             #Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
>>            #DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
>>            #AllowOverride AuthConfig
>>            DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
>>         Order allow,deny
>>         Allow from all
>>         #Deny from all
>>     </Directory>
>> ....
>> when I try to access :
>> http://localhost/mysql/ ...
>> I get the following log error :
>> [Fri Dec 27 14:29:34 2013] [notice] Apache/2.2.26 (Unix) configured --
>> resuming normal operations
>> [Fri Dec 27 14:29:39 2013] [error] [client] (13)Permission
>> denied: access to /mysql/ denied (filesystem path
>> '/Users/ericomtx/development/php/MySQL-Admin_3_4_0_full') because search
>> permissions are missing on a component of the path
>> [Fri Dec 27 14:29:42 2013] [error] [client] (13)Permission
>> denied: access to /mysql/ denied (filesystem path
>> '/Users/ericomtx/development/php/MySQL-Admin_3_4_0_full') because search
>> permissions are missing on a component of the path
>> please check the access permission for the path :
>> ericomtxmacbookpro:MySQL-Admin_3_4_0_full ericomtx$ pwd
>> /Users/ericomtx/development/php/MySQL-Admin_3_4_0_full
>> ericomtxmacbookpro:MySQL-Admin_3_4_0_full ericomtx$ ls -l
>> total 232
>> -rwxrwxrwx@  1 ericomtx  staff    212 Jan 28  2007 PASS.php
>> -rwxrwxrwx@  1 ericomtx  staff    129 Feb 12  2006 blank.php
>> -rwxrwxrwx@  1 ericomtx  staff   9730 Jan 28  2007 config.php
>> -rwxrwxrwx@  1 ericomtx  staff   1598 Aug  9  2005 favicon.ico
>> drwxr-xr-x@ 16 ericomtx  staff    544 Jan 28  2007 functions
>> -rwxrwxrwx@  1 ericomtx  staff  18351 Dec 12  2005 gpl.txt
>> drwxr-xr-x@ 22 ericomtx  staff    748 Jan 28  2007 img
>> -rwxrwxrwx@  1 ericomtx  staff   1572 Nov 11  2006 index.php
>> also ... httpd proccess :
>> ericomtxmacbookpro:logs ericomtx$ sudo lsof -i :80
>> httpd   11727   root    4u  IPv6 0xffffff80133e4e80      0t0  TCP *:http
>> httpd   11728 daemon    4u  IPv6 0xffffff80133e4e80      0t0  TCP *:http
>> httpd   11729 daemon    4u  IPv6 0xffffff80133e4e80      0t0  TCP *:http
>> httpd   11730 daemon    4u  IPv6 0xffffff80133e4e80      0t0  TCP *:http
>> httpd   11731 daemon    4u  IPv6 0xffffff80133e4e80      0t0  TCP *:http
>> httpd   11732 daemon    4u  IPv6 0xffffff80133e4e80      0t0  TCP *:http
>> httpd   11733 daemon    4u  IPv6 0xffffff80133e4e80      0t0  TCP *:http
>> also ... my conf file contains only php modlue reference :
>> ...
>> #
>> # Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support
>> #
>> # To be able to use the functionality of a module which was built as a
>> DSO you
>> # have to place corresponding `LoadModule' lines at this location so the
>> # directives contained in it are actually available _before_ they are
>> used.
>> # Statically compiled modules (those listed by `httpd -l') do not need
>> # to be loaded here.
>> #
>> # Example:
>> # LoadModule foo_module modules/
>> #
>> LoadModule php5_module modules/
>> ...
>> a question :
>> is it mandatory to have the 2 mod_alias and mod_vhost_alias referenced to
>> use them ?
>> also, is it required to have their so libs located on modules dir to use
>> them in http.conf ?
>> I am asking this because I also use macports ... and its httpd has many
>> modules referenced and located in modules dir
>> please can someone help us put with these 3 question plus the access
>> permission issue ?
>> Regards
>> Érico

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