Hi Team,

I've written my own module for Apache 2.2 compiled with 2.2.16 (includes
and libs)and it is working as expected and now I've upgrade to 2.4.7
by recompiling my code with 2.4.7(includes and libs) which I've downloaded
from http://www.apachehaus.com/cgi-bin/download.plx#APACHE24VC09
and now i see the error C2079: 'apr_sockaddr_t::sin6' uses undefined struct
c:\library\apache-httpd\2.4.7\win32-x86\include\apr_network_io.h 243

I tried adding all the header files like winsock2.h, ws2tcpip.h, but
nothing was solved
I am using MS Visual Studio 2005 for compiling my code for 32bit

Could you please tell me the problem is this because of the 2.4.7 (includes
and libs) are not compatible with VS2005(vc8) ?


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