Hello, I have a problem using proxies, this happens in both nginx and apache.
I have a tomcat app that runs on port  8081,  it validates messages (HL7V2) 
input on to
a screen.  If I access the application by  http://hostname:8081/app  it works 

When I run thru a proxy(as I said, I tried apache and nginx, same results)
http://proxyname       and proxy pass it to http://hostname:8081/app  when
a user has three ampersands  (&&&) in the message, the proxy closes the 
and nothing gets sent back. As I said, if I do it to the tomcat address 
directly it works fine,
only when I run it thru a proxy do I get the error.

Apache Error log:
[Thu Jan 16 12:16:07.516359 2014] [proxy:debug] [pid 29647:tid 139938968319744] 
proxy_util.c(2072): [client] AH00944: connecting 
http://hit-dev.nist.gov:8081/mu-lab/faces/index.xhtml to hit-dev.nist.gov:8081, 
referer: http://dev-hl7v2-lab-testing.nist.gov/mu-lab/
[Thu Jan 16 12:16:07.516373 2014] [proxy:debug] [pid 29647:tid 139938968319744] 
proxy_util.c(2206): [client] AH00947: connected 
/mu-lab/faces/index.xhtml to hit-dev.nist.gov:8081, referer: 
[Thu Jan 16 12:16:07.516766 2014] [proxy_http:error] [pid 29647:tid 
139938968319744] (104)Connection reset by peer: [client] 
AH01095: prefetch request body failed to (hit-dev.nist.gov) from (), referer: http://dev-hl7v2-lab-testing.nist.gov/mu-lab/
[Thu Jan 16 12:16:07.516956 2014] [proxy:debug] [pid 29647:tid 139938968319744] 
proxy_util.c(2035): AH00943: HTTP: has released connection for 
[Thu Jan 16 12:16:07.517284 2014] [headers:debug] [pid 29647:tid 
139938968319744] mod_headers.c(870): AH01503: headers: ap_headers_error_filter()
[Thu Jan 16 12:16:07.521274 2014] [authz_core:debug] [pid 29649:tid 
139939196675840] mod_authz_core.c(828): [client] AH01628: 
authorization result: granted (no directives), referer: 

nginx Error Log:
014/01/30 17:11:46 [debug] 11502#0: *58 http read client request body
2014/01/30 17:11:46 [debug] 11502#0: *58 recv: fd:10 1896 of 2786
2014/01/30 17:11:46 [debug] 11502#0: *58 http client request body recv 1896
2014/01/30 17:11:46 [debug] 11502#0: *58 http client request body rest 2786
2014/01/30 17:11:46 [debug] 11502#0: *58 recv: fd:10 -1 of 890
2014/01/30 17:11:46 [debug] 11502#0: *58 recv() not ready (11: Resource 
temporarily unavailable)
2014/01/30 17:11:46 [debug] 11502#0: *58 http client request body recv -2
2014/01/30 17:11:46 [debug] 11502#0: *58 http client request body rest 2786
2014/01/30 17:11:46 [debug] 11502#0: *58 event timer add: 10: 
2014/01/30 17:11:46 [debug] 11502#0: *58 http finalize request: -4, 
"/mu-lab/faces/index.xhtml?" a:1, c:2
2014/01/30 17:11:46 [debug] 11502#0: *58 http request count:2 blk:0
2014/01/30 17:11:46 [debug] 11502#0: *58 post event 0000000001461330
2014/01/30 17:11:46 [debug] 11502#0: *58 delete posted event 0000000001461330
2014/01/30 17:11:46 [debug] 11502#0: *58 http run request: 
2014/01/30 17:11:46 [debug] 11502#0: *58 http read client request body
2014/01/30 17:11:46 [debug] 11502#0: *58 recv: fd:10 -1 of 890
2014/01/30 17:11:46 [info] 11502#0: *58 recv() failed (104: Connection reset by 
peer), client:, server: dev-hl7v2-lab-testing.nist.gov, request: 
"POST /mu-lab/faces/index.xhtml HTTP/1.1", host: 
"dev-hl7v2-lab-testing.nist.gov", referrer: 
2014/01/30 17:11:46 [debug] 11502#0: *58 http client request body recv -1
2014/01/30 17:11:46 [debug] 11502#0: *58 http finalize request: 400, 
"/mu-lab/faces/index.xhtml?" a:1, c:1
2014/01/30 17:11:46 [debug] 11502#0: *58 http terminate request count:1
2014/01/30 17:11:46 [debug] 11502#0: *58 http terminate cleanup count:1 blk:0
2014/01/30 17:11:46 [debug] 11502#0: *58 http posted request: 
2014/01/30 17:11:46 [debug] 11502#0: *58 http terminate handler count:1
2014/01/30 17:11:46 [debug] 11502#0: *58 http request count:1 blk:0

I think it has to do with the & character and URLs, but if I put 1 in "&", it 
works, it put two in "&&" it works,  i put  three in "&&&" it fails. They are 
being encoded correctly, in the body I see "%26%26%26" which is the correct 
ascii encoding, so it should not be interpreted as a URL, any Ideas?

Kevin Brady
Leader, Systems Interoperability Group
Acting Leader, Cyber Infrastructure Group
Software and Systems Division
Information Technology Laboratory
(301) 975-3644   kbr...@nist.gov

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