Hello respondents,

Thanks to all of you for your responses. I'm explaining the points which
you have asked.

1. The requests are not available at log because I have blocked the .ru
domains at firewall level. Let me disable the firewall to generate the logs
for you - - [17/Apr/2014:07:26:39 +0200] "-" 408 - "-" "-" - - [17/Apr/2014:07:27:03 +0200] "GET /Uizz9n HTTP/1.1" 301
- "http://www.tv-house.ru/detail/200/5347"; "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3;
WOW64; Trident/7.0; ASU2JS; rv:11.0) like Gecko" - - [17/Apr/2014:07:27:04 +0200] "GET
/index.php?id=16&no_cache=1 HTTP/1.1" 200 9009 "
http://www.tv-house.ru/detail/200/5347"; "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3;
WOW64; Trident/7.0; ASU2JS; rv:11.0) like Gecko" - - [17/Apr/2014:07:27:13 +0200] "GET
/index.php?id=16&no_cache=1 HTTP/1.1" 200 9009 "-" "libtorrent/" - - [17/Apr/2014:07:27:16 +0200] "GET
/index.php?id=16&no_cache=1 HTTP/1.1" 200 9009 "
http://www.tv-house.ru/catalog/29/200/31/"; "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3;
WOW64; Trident/7.0; ASU2JS; rv:11.0) like Gecko"

Though the ping commands shows a different IP than this server

ping www.tv-house.ru
PING www.tv-house.ru ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from fe.shared.masterhost.ru ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=56
time=55.1 ms
64 bytes from fe.shared.masterhost.ru ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=56
time=55.1 ms
64 bytes from fe.shared.masterhost.ru ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=56
time=55.1 ms

2. I am not hosting any torrent. Though you can see the request - - [17/Apr/2014:07:27:13 +0200] "GET
/index.php?id=16&no_cache=1 HTTP/1.1" 200 9009 "-" "libtorrent/"

3. the sites are even live after shutting down the server.

4. Even after blocking the requested unknown domains I see a lot of
following at access log - - [17/Apr/2014:07:30:38 +0200] "GET
HTTP/1.1" 301 - "-" "libtorrent/" - - [17/Apr/2014:07:30:38 +0200] "GET
/index.php?id=16&no_cache=1 HTTP/1.1" 200 9009 "-" "libtorrent/" - - [17/Apr/2014:07:30:44 +0200] "-" 408 - "-" "-" - - [17/Apr/2014:07:30:55 +0200] "-" 408 - "-" "-" - - [17/Apr/2014:07:31:12 +0200] "-" 408 - "-" "-" - - [17/Apr/2014:07:31:26 +0200] "-" 408 - "-" "-" - - [17/Apr/2014:07:31:59 +0200] "GET
HTTP/1.1" 301 - "-" "Zona;Windows 7;Java 1.6.0_38" - - [17/Apr/2014:07:31:59 +0200] "GET
/index.php?id=16&no_cache=1 HTTP/1.1" 200 9009 "-" "Zona;Windows
7;Java 1.6.0_38"


On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 10:39 PM, Jim Barchuk <j...@jbarchuk.com> wrote:

> HiHi!
> My first thought was that a -spammer- had -misconfigured- something, to
> point a 'spam target domain name' to your IP address. But those domains are
> registered '06/'07 which is not typical of spam targets, and they appear to
> be reputable.
> Before I go further, a little more info. You mentioned...
>  tv-house.ru , world-hdtv.ru ... etc.... I am clue less.
> and then...
> - - [16/Apr/2014:11:26:44 +0200] "-" 408 - "-" "-"
>> - - [16/Apr/2014:11:26:59 +0200] "GET
>> /tracker/scrape?info_hash=U%5C%01%04%94%C6%83JV%143eL%B4%
>> FD%5D%AD%D5%5B%E9
>> HTTP/1.1" 500 1009 "-" "Zona;Windows 7;Java 1.6.0_38"
> 408 is very weird. I didn't even know what it meant, had to look it up,
> and still don't fully understand what it means, potentially, as related to
> your situation.
> Could you please post a couple of lines that include the earlier *.ru
> requests?
>  newly configured opensuse
> There are other misconfiguration possibilities. No not on your side but
> elsewhere. Your IP address may have been previously used elsewhere for
> other things, that are still configured to point to you without knowing
> you're the new owner.
> If nothing truly *NEFARIOUS* is going on, then over the course of time, a
> few days, things may clear themselves out automatically and those odd
> requests may simply stop happening.
> If nothing nefarious is going on, but there are configs somewhere that
> someone needs to change manually but either forgot about or haven't gotten
> to yet, then the requests may continue for a while. If they don't stop you
> may need to write to the owners of those domains to give them a heads-up
> that they need to fix something or their customers won't be getting pages
> that they should be.
> Along those lines, there might be someone sitting elsewhere wondering why
> -his- logs have dropped to -zero-. LOL!!! Or, they may drop way off, and as
> nameservers are updated his logs 'revive' and continue as previous. The
> only difference is that -he'll- have no clue why it all dropped off,
> because -he- hadn't changed anything. If he's loading pages locally and
> everyting works fine, yet he gets calls that other people can't load pages,
> he'll have to know how to research the problem to find out where the
> misconfiguration is.
> Have a :) day!
> Jim
> --
> Jim Barchuk
> j...@jbarchuk.com
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