Hi Jeff,

Thanks for quick response. We will check and do the needful

That 100 is to prevent memory leak.


From: Jeff Trawick [mailto:traw...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2014 2:24 AM
To: users@httpd.apache.org
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] MaxRequestsPerChild - New child process doesn't 
process requests

On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 4:39 PM, Vattikuti, Vamsi Krishna Venkata (STSD) 
<vam...@hp.com<mailto:vam...@hp.com>> wrote:

We are having an issue with Tomcat application accessing through proxy and 
details are below. Can you please check and share your feedback.

We have an application(tomcat) accessed through proxy as below. Also, we have 
MaxRequestsPerChild setting as 100

Whenever MaxRequestsPerChild reached its limit, a new process is started but 
the application become unresponsive. It seems that new process doesn’t service 
any requests
We have to restart httpd to recover that


-          Access.log doesn’t show any requests for new child

-          Error_log shows that

a)      workers are initiated for new process but it didn’t service any requests


c)       processing has stuck for a minute due to some reason

   [Fri Aug 08 16:09:17 2014] [debug] ssl_engine_kernel.c(2118): [client] Certificate Verification, depth 0 [subject: 
/C=y/ST=y/L=y/O=y/OU=y/CN=y, issuer: /C=y/ST=y/L=y/O=y/OU=y/CN=y, serial: xyz]

   [Fri Aug 08 16:10:12 2014] [info] [client] Connection to child 
6 established (server *:<port number from client>)

d)      SSL handshake has started but didn’t complete for 4 connections related 
to new process. There are no errors related to ssl

$ grep -i handshake errorlog.2014-08-08-07_06_44 | grep -c start


$ grep -i handshake errorlog.2014-08-08-07_06_44 | grep -c done



Apache version:

Proxy setting:
SSLProxyEngine On
SSLProxyCipherSuite ALL
SSLProxyMachineCertificateFile /var/ssl/proxy.pem

proxyPass /app1 https://localhost:<port 
number>/app1<https://localhost:%3cport%20number%3e/app1> (Tomcat)

Worker configuration:
KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 15
<IfModule worker.c>
StartServers         1
MaxClients           25
MinSpareThreads      12
MaxSpareThreads      25
ThreadsPerChild      25
ServerLimit          1
MaxRequestsPerChild  100
MaxMemFree  50

Thanks & Regards,

MaxRequestsPerChild 100 is ridiculously low.  What is happening in httpd to 
cause you to need that setting?


Once an httpd child process has reached 100 connections, it initiates a 
graceful shutdown, which means that instead of aborting current requests it 
will instead wait for current requests to finish, then exit.

During the time that it is waiting for current requests to finish, new 
connections must be handled by other child processes.  BUT you set ServerLimit 
to 1 (and other directives such as ThreadsPerChild and MaxClients are 
consistent with allowing only one child process), so no other child process can 
be created during that time.

Thus, once 100 connections are handled, new clients will be blocked until 
existing requests finish.


My guess:  Your Java application takes a long time (maybe forever?) to handle 
some requests.  MaxRequestsPerChild makes it worse.  If the Java requests are 
slow and eventually finish, the solution is to keep a steady set of httpd child 
processes (having them gracefully exit when there are slow backend requests can 
be harmful) and increase the number of httpd threads/child processes to handle 
the load.

If some Java requests hang, see how to handle that on the Tomcat side.

Enable server status with ExtendedStatus On and watch what happens -- whether 
or not certain requests handled by the Java application take a relatively long 
time, tieing up some or all of your very limited number of httpd threads.

Born in Roswell... married an alien...

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