Thanks for your reply, Yehuda. However, I can’t get any of your suggestions to 
work. You can get the whole file if you want, but for the time being, I’ll just 
send the pieces of code that doesn’t work.

Here’s the new if-code:

<!--#if expr="%{SERVER_NAME} =~ / || %{SERVER_NAME} =~ /dans.dansas/" 
<!--#set var="side" value="dans" -->
<!--#elif expr="%{SERVER_NAME} =~ /dedanseglade/ || %{SERVER_NAME} =~ /" 
<!--#set var="side" value="dd" -->
<!--#elif expr="%{SERVER_NAME} =~ /gullskoen/" -->
<!--#set var="side" value="gullskoen" -->
<!--#elif expr="%{SERVER_NAME} =~ /ddcountry/" -->
<!--#set var="side" value="ddcountry" -->
<!--#endif -->

Now nothing works, not even the two last ones with no “||”-expression that 
worked before.

I still use this to reference to this, though:

<!--#if expr="$side = dd" -->DeDanseglade

<!--#elif expr="$side = ddcountry" -->DDCountry

<!--#elif expr="$side = gullskoen" -->Gullskoen

<!--#elif expr="$side = dans" -->Dans

<!--#else -->DansAS

<!--#endif -->

Should I change it to percentage, brackets and the tilde, too? I’ll try now.

I don’t want the legacy setting on, as I don’t like using old legacy stuff. If 
something changes, I should learn it and adapt to it rather than complaining 
and “wanting the old back” as so many does. However, I do think this new syntax 
is complicated…

Your second suggestion (encoding=”none”) doesn’t have any effect. This is the 
full code, even though I don’t think it would be full of surprises:

<!--#set encoding="none" var="errormelding" value="<p><strong>Vi beklager, men 
siden du har kommet til eksisterer ikke eller har blitt 
flyttet.</strong><br>Sørg for at du har den riktige adressen.</p>" --> 

The output is “<p><strong> etc..” made out of &gt; and &lt; html characters in 
the code.

I’ve found out I’m running the latest version, 2.4.10, if that matters. I have 
cPanel, LiteSpeed, CloudLinux, PHP and a bunch of other stuff running over 

If you want, you can get the full code. Don’t worry, it’s not that long.


Fra: Yehuda Katz
Sendt: ‎søndag‎, ‎14‎. ‎september‎ ‎2014 ‎06‎:‎01

On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 9:53 AM, Simen Mangseth <> wrote:

I have two questions regarding SSI and .shtml files.

1: I’m using Apache 2.4, and now I can’t write like this anymore:

The simplest option might be to enable the Legacy Expression PArser:

SSILegacyExprParser on


<!--#if expr="$SERVER_NAME = / || $SERVER_NAME = /" -->
I’ve read that there’s a new syntax, but on the website I don’t understand it, 
even after reading It many times. So the question is: How do I transform this 
simple expression into the new syntax?

<!--#if expr="%{SERVER_NAME} =~ / || %{SERVER_NAME} =~ /" -->

2: When I’m creating a variable with #set like this: 

<!--#set var="errormelding" value="<p><strong>Text…</strong></p>" --> 
The HTML code appears in the output. I don’t get a paragraph, or bold text, as 
I want. How do I do this?

This might be a bug, since the documentation says default encoding is none, but 
I was able to reproduce it.

You can get around it by adding encoding="none" to your echo. For your example:

<!--#echo encoding="none" var="errormelding" -->


I’m sorry, but I’ve just started learning this, so I don’t know much yet.

No need to apologize, it is really why the list is here.

- Y

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