EasyApache is the cPanel program that builds the Apache (and PHP) binaries
and config files, so if you use cPanel, you use EasyApache.

I looked on my cPanel server and found this directive:
<IfModule mod_include.c>
    <Directory "/home/SITENAME/public_html">
        SSILegacyExprParser On

You should be able to put SSILegacyExprParser Off in your .htaccess.

I downloaded both of your files and (again, after changing the matched
URLs) they appeared to work perfectly for me.

- Y

On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 11:23 AM, Simen Mangseth <s...@live.no> wrote:

>  To take the good news first, I changed it to the echo element, and the
> encoding now works. Thanks.
> However, the expressions still refuses to work. I’m thinking maybe I
> already have the legacy filter on, because I read here that cPanel puts on
> that setting if you’re using EasyApache. I don’t know if I’m using
> EasyApache, but here’s
> <http://docs.cpanel.net/twiki/bin/view/EasyApache/Apache/Apache24Issues#Server-Side%20Include%20(SSI)%20Expres>
>  the
> link anyways.
> Is there a way to check if the setting is on or off? If the legacy filter
> is on, are the new expressions still valid, too?
> I’ll just include the files anyways, if it’s my fault. It won’t work. I’m
> thinking, the old code worked if only one expression and not “||” (the
> or-sign), the new code doesn’t work on anything.
> the 404.shtml a small file defining some variables and including the error
> template 1HTTP.shtml.
> / Simen
> *Fra:* Yehuda Katz <yeh...@ymkatz.net>
> *Sendt:* ‎søndag‎, ‎14‎. ‎september‎ ‎2014 ‎19‎:‎54
> *Til:* users@httpd.apache.org
> On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 4:03 AM, Simen Mangseth <s...@live.no> wrote:
>>  Thanks for your reply, Yehuda. However, I can’t get any of your
>> suggestions to work. You can get the whole file if you want, but for the
>> time being, I’ll just send the pieces of code that doesn’t work.
>> Here’s the new if-code:
>> <!--#if expr="%{SERVER_NAME} =~ /dans.no/ || %{SERVER_NAME} =~
>> /dans.dansas/" -->
>> <!--#set var="side" value="dans" -->
>> <!--#elif expr="%{SERVER_NAME} =~ /dedanseglade/ || %{SERVER_NAME} =~ /
>> dd.no/" -->
>> <!--#set var="side" value="dd" -->
>> <!--#elif expr="%{SERVER_NAME} =~ /gullskoen/" -->
>> <!--#set var="side" value="gullskoen" -->
>> <!--#elif expr="%{SERVER_NAME} =~ /ddcountry/" -->
>> <!--#set var="side" value="ddcountry" -->
>> <!--#endif -->
> I took this exact code and changed the URLs to match several that point to
> my server and it worked fine. What URLs are you expecting to hit?
> I can add them to my hosts file and see if they match.
>> Now nothing works, not even the two last ones with no “||”-expression
>> that worked before.
>> I still use this to reference to this, though:
>> <!--#if expr="side = dd" -->DeDanseglade
>> <!--#elif expr="$side = ddcountry" -->DDCountry
>> <!--#elif expr="$side = gullskoen" -->Gullskoen
>> <!--#elif expr="$side = dans" -->Dans
>> <!--#else -->DansAS
>> <!--#endif -->
>> Should I change it to percentage, brackets and the tilde, too? I’ll try
>> now.
> This is what I used:
> <!--#if expr='v("side") = "dd"' -->DeDanseglade
> <!--#elif expr='v("side") = "ddcountry"' -->DDCountry
> <!--#elif expr='v("side") = "gullskoen"' -->Gullskoen
> <!--#elif expr='v("side") = "dans"' -->Dans
> <!--#else -->DansAS
> <!--#endif -->
>> I don’t want the legacy setting on, as I don’t like using old
>> legacy stuff. If something changes, I should learn it and adapt to it
>> rather than complaining and “wanting the old back” as so many does.
>> However, I do think this new syntax is complicated…
>> Your second suggestion (encoding=”none”) doesn’t have any effect. This is
>> the full code, even though I don’t think it would be full of surprises:
>> <!--#set encoding="none" var="errormelding" value="<p><strong>Vi
>> beklager, men siden du har kommet til eksisterer ikke eller har blitt
>> flyttet.</strong><br>Sørg for at du har den riktige adressen.</p>" -->
> The output is “<p><strong> etc..” made out of &gt; and &lt; html
>> characters in the code.
> You need to set it on the <!--#echo, not on the <~--#set.
> - Y
> I’ve found out I’m running the latest version, 2.4.10, if that matters. I
>> have cPanel, LiteSpeed, CloudLinux, PHP and a bunch of other stuff running
>> over this.
>> If you want, you can get the full code. Don’t worry, it’s not that long.
>> Simen
>> *Fra:* Yehuda Katz <yeh...@ymkatz.net>
>> *Sendt:* ‎søndag‎, ‎14‎. ‎september‎ ‎2014 ‎06‎:‎01
>> *Til:* users@httpd.apache.org
>> On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 9:53 AM, Simen Mangseth <s...@live.no> wrote:
>>>  I have two questions regarding SSI and .shtml files.
>>> 1: I’m using Apache 2.4, and now I can’t write like this anymore:
>> The simplest option might be to enable the Legacy Expression PArser:
>> SSILegacyExprParser on
>> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_include.html#ssilegacyexprparser
>>> <!--#if expr="$SERVER_NAME = /dans.no/ || $SERVER_NAME = /dd.no/" -->
>>> I’ve read that there’s a new syntax, but on the website I don’t
>>> understand it, even after reading It many times. So the question is: How do
>>> I transform this simple expression into the new syntax?
>> <!--#if expr="%{SERVER_NAME} =~ /dans.no/ || %{SERVER_NAME} =~ /dd.no/"
>> -->
>> 2: When I’m creating a variable with #set like this:
>>> <!--#set var="errormelding" value="<p><strong>Text…</strong></p>" -->
>>> The HTML code appears in the output. I don’t get a paragraph, or bold
>>> text, as I want. How do I do this?
>> This might be a bug, since the documentation says default encoding is
>> none, but I was able to reproduce it.
>> You can get around it by adding encoding="none" to your echo. For your
>> example:
>> <!--#echo encoding="none" var="errormelding" -->
>> I’m sorry, but I’ve just started learning this, so I don’t know much yet.
>> No need to apologize, it is really why the list is here.
>> - Y
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