
|<Directory />
    AllowOverride none
    Require all denied

||<Directory ||"/var/data/ca.harte-lyne/public_html">
||Options +Indexes -Multiviews
AllowOverride All
Require all granted

On 09/26/2014 11:24 AM, James B. Byrne wrote:
> OS=CentOS-6.5
> We have locally built and packaged this version of httpd to replace httpd-2.2
> which ships with CentOS-6.5.  Upon restarting the upgraded httpd server we
> received the error message "client denied by server configuration".  The
> distributed conf/httpd.conf configuration file contains this:
> <Directory />
>    AllowOverride none
>    Require all denied
> </Directory>
> The virtual server that reported the error contains this:
> <VirtualHost>
>   DocumentRoot "/var/data/ca.harte-lyne/public_html"
> . . .
>   <Directory "/var/data/ca.harte-lyne/public_html">
>     AllowOverride all
>     Options +Indexes -Multiviews
>     Require all granted
>   </Directory>
>   <Location />
>     Require all granted
>     SetEnv RAILS_ENV production
>   </Location>
> . . .
> The only way we could get this virtual server to respond instead of logging a
> 'client denied by server configuration' error was to comment out the
> directives in httpd.conf as shown.
> <Directory />
> #   AllowOverride none
> #   Require all denied
> </Directory>
> Is this in fact what we needed to do?  If not then what should we have done?

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