Thanks all for answer.

I have a website ( and is on /var/www/, is
hosted on a cloud vps, I have created some users for my friends on it
and I've enabled mod_userdir so they can use their public_html
They want try some tecnologies (maybe python, golang, node.js,
whatever) to build their own web projects on their user space
something like this, thats why i'm
asking about if they can use another language different to php in
order to achieve their goal.

Thanks for reply, I'll take a look to mod_cgi.

2014-12-03 3:40 GMT-06:00 Pete Houston <>:
> As Carlos's question suggests that he might be quite new to all this,
> it's probably worth pointing out that for simple, low-volume
> applications there is no requirement to load any language-specific
> module into apache. All one needs is mod_cgi (or mod_cgid) to get
> started and then it's pretty trivial to run scripts in any chosen
> language supported by the O/S.
> Of course, Daniel's advice to embed the interpreter through mod_lua (or
> mod_python, mod_perl, mod_ruby, ...) is sound for larger,
> single-language applications and there are alternatives like mod_fcgi
> which can get close to the best of both worlds. But for someone
> starting out and just looking at a proof of concept it is likely the
> case that the simplicity of mod_cgi(d) would make the easiest starting
> point.
> ObLink:
> Pete
> --
> Openstrike - improving business through open source
> or call 01722 770036 / 07092 020107

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