2015-05-12 10:03 GMT+02:00 Luc Andre <landre3...@gmail.com>:

> Thanks for your reply.
> We did a test on a powerful server with
>     StartServers          20
>     MinSpareServers       5
>     MaxSpareServers      20
> And we still have the issue...

To ensure that you don't hit the child spin up issue, you'll have to set
 MinSpareServers to a value equal to or greater than the number of
processes you need for your test, I'd recommend 20 in this case, just to be
sure. Are you sure that you're using the prefork mpm, and therefore those
settings are actually relevant? If you don't have a good reason to use
prefork, you may get better performance with worker or event (but be sure
to tune the associated settings, such as ThreadsPerChild appropriately)

Additionally, you don't specify how your PHP is configured. If you're using
PHP-FPM, you need to ensure that pm.start_servers and pm.min_spare_servers
are large enough as well.


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