I'm not sure if this question is for the Tomcat User group or this one.  We
have upgraded our Apache 2.2.3 server and Tomcat 7.0.54 server to use
mod_nss rather than mod_ssl.  During this process the rewrite rules were
moved from mod_ssl to mod_nss, but reformatted as "ProxyPass" and
"ProxyPassReverse" statements inside Location clauses.  Unfortunately I'm a
newbie and don't understand the conversion.

We used to be able to get to several http links on the back end database.
Now those don't work anymore.  We can get to them using https, but that is
not acceptable for our situation because users will get prompted for a
smart card which they don't want to have to use for these URL's.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to fix our problem?  It seems
like something simple was missed, but I can't figure it out, most likely
due to my lack of inexperience.



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