Apache 2.4.x on SLES12. We have a web app in tomcat that is directly accessible 
by port 8080 and 8443. We use a combination of proxypass and mod_jk to connect 
to it from apache (never could get this to work without using both). We also 
use a https redirect to make it easier for the users. So if you type 
share.domain.tld you land at https://share.domain.tld/share. This worked up 
until a day ago. Now when you type share.domain.tld you get a 404 and the 
address is NOT redirected to https. Here is the redirect statements that have 
been working fine until now:

#  Redirect Share to HTTPS
    ProxyPass /share/ https://share.domain.tld/share/
    ProxyPassReverse /share/ https://share.domain.tld/share/
    RedirectMatch ^/$ https://share.domain.tld/share/

No updates have been done since this was working so i don't think that is what 
broke it. Is there a way to tell if mod_jk is the culprit?

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