This is on a Mac (10.11.2)

The command is “sudo apachectl start"

And yes, Apache is running on the same machine as the web browser.
> On Jan 14, 2016, at 10:33 PM, Wei-min Lee <> wrote:
> Is this on windows?
> What is the command in "The command went through as it should"?
> This might be a dumb question, but is Apache running on the same machine 
> you're opening your browser on?
> ~Sent from my Huawei H1511~
> On Jan 14, 2016 6:37 PM, "Josiah Asbill" < 
> <>> wrote:
> I recently tried starting up my Apache server, as part of a course that I am 
> taking to learn web development.
> The command went through as it should, after asking for my password. But when 
> I opened my web browser at the http://localhost <http://localhost/> webpage, 
> nothing happened. I was given an error page saying that the page cannot be 
> opened because the web browser cannot connect to the server.
> I did some preliminary checking and found a command to troubleshoot Apache 
> files. What I got back had to do with syntax errors in multiple files. Though 
> I did some research, I have found nothing about this particular problem. Also 
> I could not find a way to reinstall Apache in such a way that the system 
> would be untouched, but the bad files would be replaced by uncorrupted ones.
> I humbly submit this problem to anyone for their consideration. Perhaps 
> someone else has had a similar problem; or someone knows a way to bypass the 
> issue.
> Thank you very much,
>       JDAsbill

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