
2016-02-29 16:47 GMT+01:00 Julien Etter <julien.et...@juno.co.uk>:

> Hello,
> We are running apache 2.2.15, a simple asset server using a read-only
> mounted filesystem with millions of static files in it.
> We are going to generate daily a list of asset names we need to prevent
> access to, about a thousand of them.
> We would like to avoid adding a layer of high level language as PHP/Perl…
> Is there a better approach than writing a very long RewriteRule based on
> all those names and issue a [R=404]?
> We were looking in RewriteMap but feel we need the “complement” of it,
> something like:
> “RewriteRule ${deniedMap} – [R=404]”
> But even so this “map” would still be a non-efficient regular expression
> based code.
> Any insight would be very welcome!
Is it an option to move to Apache 2.4? There are two things that might help

1) mpm_event - https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/event.html (your use
case of serving only static assets might leverage a lot the event mpm)
2) mod_lua - https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_lua.html - it is an
high level language but you could experiment to it to see if it could
resolve your use case in an elegant and simple way.

I tried to think about other solutions but I didn't come up with anything
simple and not convoluted.

Hope that helps!


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