Am 21.04.2016 um 14:05 schrieb Richard:
>> Date: Thursday, April 21, 2016 01:01:25 -0400
>> From: "Brandon L. Wisenburg" <>
>> All, 
>> Is it possible to use PHP 5.2.5 with Apache/2.4.6 
>> I have an application that was written in WAMP5 using PHP 5.2.5,
>> and I am trying to get the application onto a CentOS server and I
>> can't get it to work with 5.4.16 
>> Are there any good tutorials on using an older version of PHP with
>> Apache? 
> Leaving aside what it would take to do this, I think that attempting
> that route is dangerous. 
> Based on your PHP release, I suspect that you are running Centos-7.
> While RHEL (therefore included in Centos) backports security fixes,
> keeping the base release number stable, I doubt that you will find a
> release of php 5.2.5 that will work on Centos-7 that is current on
> all the security fixes since 5.2.5 was released in 2007.
> A much better approach would be to do the necessary one-time fixes to
> your php code and stick with distribution-supported apache/php
> releases (or do your own installs, of *newer* releases). 
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What about rewriting the application's PHP Code to run on PHP 7?
I guess that's the best way to achive what you want.

Cheers Oscar

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