Yes, definetly.

there is a variable called %{HTTP_HOST} which will be the hostname in the

And you can use that variable for example in mod_rewrite, and mod_rewrite
can perfectly point to local filesystem paths too.

2016-11-04 9:01 GMT+01:00 Joe Muller <>:

> Hi All,
>  We currently have an old legacy Java application running under Sun
> Webservers that does the following.  It's purpose is to display an error
> message if a particular webserver is down.   The request is forwarded to
> the application from the load balancer when the load balancer detects the
> webserver is down.
> 1) Receives a request
> 2) Looks at the request URL (i.e.,,
> )
> 3) Display a file from a directory based on the URL, i.e.
> /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/error/
> Is it possible to implement the above in Apache 2.4 using rewrite rules ?
> Thanks,
> -Joe

*Daniel Ferradal*
IT Specialist

email         dferradal at

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