It seems that when a Mac client tries to access an Exchange 2013 server
having an Apache reverse proxy (non-caching) in between a number a strange
issues are seen:

1) Inbox come and go from time to time.

... and what is even worse

2) Mail send from one person seems to arrive from another.

3) Mails destined for other users gets mixed into some users mailbox (that
is... they are in the Mac inbox but not on OWA)

We only see this on Mac clients. Never on App from Google Play or iStore.
Never on Outlook clients connection within the local LAN (can't connect
with outlook from external LAN as Apache does not like the http RPC that MS

I was originally posting the case here:

and one of the suggestions was to take Apache out of the chain.

I would like to keep it there though - If I can manage to solve the three
issues mentioned above.

Has anyone seen something like this - and if so, did you manage to solve it?

Regards, Lars.

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