Been getting lots of suggestions on what to use in .conf - havn't tried
those yet.

Execpt for:
" CheckSpelling On"

Which it complained about, I am trying this now.

Regards, Lars.

On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 11:58 PM, Yehuda Katz <> wrote:

> Your best bet might be mod_dumpio and/or sniffing the traffic on each side
> of Apache.
> Posting your Virtual Host and Proxy config might help too.
> Also, it looks like other people appear to have this working (unless they
> don't use Mac). For example, I found this config:
> phr0gz/Apache-reverse-proxy-for-Exchange-2010-2013-2016
> - Y
> On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 5:41 PM, Lars Bonnesen <>
> wrote:
>> It seems that when a Mac client tries to access an Exchange 2013 server
>> having an Apache reverse proxy (non-caching) in between a number a strange
>> issues are seen:
>> 1) Inbox come and go from time to time.
>> ... and what is even worse
>> 2) Mail send from one person seems to arrive from another.
>> 3) Mails destined for other users gets mixed into some users mailbox
>> (that is... they are in the Mac inbox but not on OWA)
>> We only see this on Mac clients. Never on App from Google Play or iStore.
>> Never on Outlook clients connection within the local LAN (can't connect
>> with outlook from external LAN as Apache does not like the http RPC that MS
>> uses).
>> I was originally posting the case here:
>> 90090d72-3c49-4dbb-a1a9-72c20dcb1336/macclients-gets-mails-
>> mixed-from-other-users?forum=exchangesvrclients#af954ae8-
>> 47d6-41e1-a320-03badf17374a
>> and one of the suggestions was to take Apache out of the chain.
>> I would like to keep it there though - If I can manage to solve the three
>> issues mentioned above.
>> Has anyone seen something like this - and if so, did you manage to solve
>> it?
>> Regards, Lars.

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