Dear all,

  I am using Apache to offload SSL to non-ssl Apache running behind a
Varnish server. I do that with proxypass. Everything running WHM in a
Centos 6.8 server.

  I do that because Varnish doesn´t manage HTTPs requests so you need a
Proxy SSL (Nginx, Pound or Apache - as I did myself).

  I am using a script here:

  to pipe logs to Apache/WHM access logs.

  All the requests that are proxied and hit the backend are logged in
non-ssl access logs. The ones that hit the cache are logged in SSL
access logs.

  That confuses all web stat applications (webalizer, awstats) because
you have to check in two access logs to get an overall picture of all
requests (depending if they were cached or not).

  Maybe My assumptions are wrong and there is no way to get logged all
HTTPS requests to only SSL access logs (even if they hit the backend).
HTTP requests are logged correctly with the vscp script.

  Right now I am forcing all requests to be logged in non-SSL access
logs no matter what to have webstats correct and not splitted.

  I hope I have explained myself right



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