
On 12/11/16 7:45 PM, Miguel González wrote:
> Dear all,
>   I am using Apache to offload SSL to non-ssl Apache running behind a
> Varnish server. I do that with proxypass. Everything running WHM in a
> Centos 6.8 server.
>   I do that because Varnish doesn´t manage HTTPs requests so you need a
> Proxy SSL (Nginx, Pound or Apache - as I did myself).
>   I am using a script here:
>   to pipe logs to Apache/WHM access logs.
>   All the requests that are proxied and hit the backend are logged in
> non-ssl access logs. The ones that hit the cache are logged in SSL
> access logs.
>   That confuses all web stat applications (webalizer, awstats) because
> you have to check in two access logs to get an overall picture of all
> requests (depending if they were cached or not).
>   Maybe My assumptions are wrong and there is no way to get logged all
> HTTPS requests to only SSL access logs (even if they hit the backend).
> HTTP requests are logged correctly with the vscp script.
>   Right now I am forcing all requests to be logged in non-SSL access
> logs no matter what to have webstats correct and not splitted.
>   I hope I have explained myself right
>   Thanks!
>   Miguel
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