I'm trying to validate incoming requests by comparing the request IP to the
IP addresses provided in the client certificate subjectAltName.

Searching around, I found
http://wiki.cacert.org/ApacheServerClientCertificateAuthentication, which
gives an example using the email address:

SSLRequire %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_Email} =~ m/^[^@]*@example\.com$/
 or %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_Email_0} =~ m/^[^@]*@example\.com$/          or
%{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_Email_1} =~ m/^[^@]*@example\.com$/          or
%{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_Email_2} =~ m/^[^@]*@example\.com$/          or
%{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_Email_3} =~ m/^[^@]*@example\.com$/

But there 2 problems:
1. the IP addresses are not exported as a variables by mod_ssl (see
2. The number of IP addresses is variable, not sure how I could do the
check with an expression

The Apache Httpd is a frontend for a PHP and a Python application, so it
would be nice to be able to do this filtering in one place instead of doing
it at the applications level.

Any suggestions?

Thank you.

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