Hi everyone,

i need send header content “*X-Client-Cert*” from Apache Web Server
<https://ads.digitalpoint.com/go.php?k=Web+Server> to java application
deploy in Jboss, through AJP protocol.

With directive below, in Apache Virtual Host, i check Header reach Jboss
but application not found because can’t read public certificate client:

*RequestHeader set X-Client-Cert "%{SSL_CLIENT_CERT}s"*

When capture traffic in Jboss host with tcpdump i notice this trace:

*[truncated] X-Client-Cert: ——BEGIN

The Header name is sent!! with content. But i need receive this one so that
application be able to read public certificate client:


Anyone know how remove header name “*X-Client-Cert:*” in apache side and
only send data content?. Currently is impossible change source code in
application side.

Thanks in advance!

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