Thanks Luca for pointing out,  the weblogic module is needed to forward
request from Apache to weblogic successfully. Is there any other way to
achieve my requirement?


On Apr 20, 2017 17:20, "Luca Toscano" <> wrote:

> Hi!
> I checked your httpd config and you are using mod_weblogic, not mod_proxy,
> so the ProxyErrorOverride option will not be effective :)
> Luca
> 2017-04-20 3:18 GMT+02:00 Velmurugan Dhakshnamoorthy <>:
>> Hi,
>> Any help  to identify and correct  what is the issue in my setting to
>> re-write  the 500 error by Apache Proxy 2.4.25
>> Regards,
>> Vel
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: "Velmurugan Dhakshnamoorthy" <>
>> Date: Apr 18, 2017 16:03
>> Subject: Re: [users@httpd] Reg: Custom error message at Apache 2.4.25
>> To: <>
>> Cc:
>> Hi Luca,
>>> Is it possible to pinpoint what is the wrong in my setting. I am still
>>> unable to display the custom error message.
>>> *The actual message from weblogic 12c in browser*
>>> Error 500--Internal Server Error
>>> From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
>>> 10.5.1 500 Internal Server Error
>>> The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from
>>> fulfilling the request.
>>> *Apache Proxy 2.4.25 setting in httpd.conf*
>>> *Configuration to forward request from Apache to Weblogic 12c*
>>> <VirtualHost *:8060>
>>>    <Location />
>>>        SetHandler weblogic-handler
>>>        WebLogicHost hawley760
>>>       WebLogicPort 8062
>>>        Debug ON
>>>        WLLogFile /opt/app/bea/apache2.4/httpd-2.4.25/logs/RPS-8060.log
>>>   </Location>
>>> </VirtualHost>
>>> *config related to error document in httpd.conf*
>>> DocumentRoot "/opt/app/bea/apache2.4/httpd-2.4.25/htdocs"
>>> ProxyPreserveHost On
>>> ProxyPass /error !
>>> ProxyErrorOverride On
>>> Alias /error /opt/app/bea/apache2.4/httpd-2.4.25/htdocs
>>> ErrorDocument 500 /error/500.html
>>> I tried to setup this in virtual host as well, but cannot re-write the
>>> default 500 error message. I am also attaching my httpd.conf file.
>>> Appreciate if you can tell me what I am doing wrong, it would be much
>>> appreciated.
>>> Regards,
>>> Vel
>>> Regards,
>>> Velmurugan Dhakshnamoorthy (Vel)
>>> Singapore.
>>> On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 6:56 AM, Velmurugan Dhakshnamoorthy <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks again for your valuable inputs,  I am actually restricting
>>>> number of HTTP sessions at weblogic layer,  beyond the specified limit,
>>>>  weblogic throws 500 error message,  which is not very useful to users,  I
>>>> want only the 500 error page to be re-written by Apache proxy with simple
>>>> message (ex: server is busy,  login after sometime), I want only 500
>>>> generic error message to re-write,  I don't want to re-write any other
>>>> content from back-end server.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Vel
>>>> On Apr 18, 2017 00:19, "Luca Toscano" <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi!
>>>>> As Nick mentioned there are a couple of options:
>>>>> 1) or
>>>>> in case
>>>>> you want to replace some parts of the response coming from the backend 
>>>>> with
>>>>> your content.
>>>>> 2) Write your own content output filter to modify the backend response
>>>>> as you wish before flushing it out to the client. I'd suggest to follow
>>>>> if you want to attempt this road since using Lua instead of C is generally
>>>>> easier for people not used to write Apache code.
>>>>> My personal suggestion is to not use any of the above but to re-think
>>>>> about why you want to force the proxy to do this work. A proxy should be 
>>>>> as
>>>>> lightweight as possible and ideally should mask backend failures with
>>>>> pre-defined error pages.
>>>>> Hope that helps!
>>>>> Luca
>>>>> 2017-04-17 9:57 GMT+02:00 Velmurugan Dhakshnamoorthy <
>>>>>> Hi Nick,
>>>>>> yes exactly,  I want the error message produced by back-end weblogic
>>>>>> server to be re-written by Apache proxy and then display custom message 
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> user.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Vel
>>>>>> On Apr 17, 2017 15:34, "Nick Kew" <> wrote:
>>>>>> On Mon, 2017-04-17 at 09:04 +0800, Velmurugan Dhakshnamoorthy wrote:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >         Thanks Luca,  I tried setting proxyerroroverride and error
>>>>>> >         document  in virtual host, however,  the 500 error produced
>>>>>> by
>>>>>> >         content server is displayed as it is via Apache proxy. Any
>>>>>> >         further help?
>>>>>> Are you saying you want an error message coming from the backend
>>>>>> but modified by the proxy?  That would imply using a content filter
>>>>>> (such as mod_proxy_html, mod_sed, or mod_substitute) to rewrite
>>>>>> the response from the backend.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Nick Kew
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