In most cases, you can only have ONE process binding to ONE IP-address/port 
combination. Children of this process will then inherit the socket, which is 
the way how apache works.

On Linux and BSD, there is the SO_REUSEPORT option that can be set by a 
listening process, so that other processes can also bind to the socket, and let 
the OS handle which incoming data ends up where.
If you think about that, it opens the port up for hijacking, as the initial 
listener process has no idea which other processes might also bind to the port 
and intercept traffic.

So the apache method of one master process binding to the port and spawning 
children is the prudent one.

Kurt Bremser
Allianz Technology GmbH

Newton was wrong. There is no gravity. The Earth sucks.
Von: Hemant Chaudhary []
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 13. September 2017 13:29
Betreff: Re: [users@httpd] Run apache without master [wd-vc]


I want to create different processes not forking from parent or anywhere.
It is still okay if parent process is started and parent process will not fork 
child processes but parent should serve requests.

On Sep 13, 2017 4:47 PM, "Eric Covener" 
<<>> wrote:
On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 7:09 AM, Hemant Chaudhary
<<>> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to start my apache without master process means when I will give
> "httpd" command, it should start 5 worker process which has access to
> httpd.conf as well as serve requests.
> Is it possible to achieve this ? If yes, then how should to achieve this ?

Not really. Why not just ignore the parent process? The worst thing
that can happen is that it doesn't manage the children, which you're
already losing in this hypothetical setup.

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