As i have seen in my system that master process also binds to port that i
have given in my configuration. Then how master process is binding to port
80 ? If i am running my apache other than root user then how can master
binds to port 80 ?

If i am running apache as root user then on any port my apache is working
but other than root user, i need to give port greater than 1024.


On Sep 13, 2017 5:56 PM, "Bremser, Kurt (Allianz Technology GmbH)" <> wrote:

> Spawning children servers one very important purpose: while the master has
> to be run as root to bind to the privileged port 80, the child is spawned
> as the user named in the configuration, reducing security issues by orders
> of magnitude.
> Changing that and running the whole server process (inlcuding spawned cgi
> scripts etc) as root would be extremely stupid, IMO.
> Kurt Bremser
> Allianz Technology GmbH
> Newton was wrong. There is no gravity. The Earth sucks.
> ________________________________________
> Von: Hemant Chaudhary []
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 13. September 2017 14:03
> An:
> Betreff: Re: [users@httpd] Run apache without master [wd-vc]
> Yes true. I want to start only one process and it should not spawn child
> processes.
> In apache, we have master process and then it spawns child. After that
> child serves requests by client.
> My aim is to start master process and it should not spawn child as well as
> it should serve requests from client.
> Thanks
> Hemant
> On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 5:18 PM, Bremser, Kurt (Allianz Technology GmbH) <
><>> wrote:
> In most cases, you can only have ONE process binding to ONE
> IP-address/port combination. Children of this process will then inherit the
> socket, which is the way how apache works.
> On Linux and BSD, there is the SO_REUSEPORT option that can be set by a
> listening process, so that other processes can also bind to the socket, and
> let the OS handle which incoming data ends up where.
> If you think about that, it opens the port up for hijacking, as the
> initial listener process has no idea which other processes might also bind
> to the port and intercept traffic.
> So the apache method of one master process binding to the port and
> spawning children is the prudent one.
> Kurt Bremser
> Allianz Technology GmbH
> Newton was wrong. There is no gravity. The Earth sucks.
> ________________________________________
> Von: Hemant Chaudhary [<mailto:hemantdude.
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 13. September 2017 13:29
> An:<>
> Betreff: Re: [users@httpd] Run apache without master [wd-vc]
> Hi
> I want to create different processes not forking from parent or anywhere.
> It is still okay if parent process is started and parent process will not
> fork child processes but parent should serve requests.
> On Sep 13, 2017 4:47 PM, "Eric Covener" <<mailto:cove
>><<>>> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 7:09 AM, Hemant Chaudhary
> <<
> ><<mailto:hemantdude.chaudhary@
>>>> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I want to start my apache without master process means when I will give
> > "httpd" command, it should start 5 worker process which has access to
> > httpd.conf as well as serve requests.
> >
> > Is it possible to achieve this ? If yes, then how should to achieve this
> ?
> Not really. Why not just ignore the parent process? The worst thing
> that can happen is that it doesn't manage the children, which you're
> already losing in this hypothetical setup.
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