Press CTRL+C to stop the program. Or type "killall httpd" on another console.

Then, depending on your Linux distribution (Red Hat, Debian, etc.),
you should start Apache with a specific command. Try googling "start
apache red hat" replacing for your distro. I guess "systemctl start
httpd.service" should do the trick nowadays on any distro. But this
will only start Apache until next reboot. You need to enable the
service - make it start on boot. For that, you could use the old
"chkconfig httpd on" or "systemctl enable httpd.service". Again that
depends on your distribution. Lots of stuff about services are
distro-dependent. I would search on the distribution documentation
about it.

Red Hat:

2017-09-16 14:50 GMT-03:00 Yann Ylavic <>:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 7:46 AM, Hemant Chaudhary
> <> wrote:
>> I started debugging with "./httpd -X" command. It starts debugging. Now I
>> want to stop debugging and start the server normally.
>> Which command should I use to stop debugging ?
> Please define/be more explicit about debugging?
> Regards,
> Yann.
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