Le 25/01/2019 à 00:00, Naveen Nandyala a écrit :

We are using Apache 2.4.12, I’m working to set a host in header based on header value passed in my request, was wondering if I can use IF statement to get the same, Request hitting my Apache server is having a header with header name “X-Proxy” and header value is Set to “Torbit”.

When this request with that header name hits my Apache I need to perform below action. Else it should not.

*RequestHeader set Host cert-one.domain.com*

I’m trying to do this in my virtualhost section as below.

<If "%{HTTP:X-Proxy} in { 'Torbit }">

RequestHeader set Host cert-one.domain.com


This gives me below error while starting.

\n AH00526: Syntax error on line 8 of /u/applic/tc/HTTP/config/vhosts-ssl/wr-cleartrust/benefits-stage.wal-mart.com-vhost.conf:

Cannot parse condition clause: Unterminated string or variable \n

Any help will be appreciated.

*Naveen Reddy*

Hi, a ' seems to be missing after Torbit.


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