Are logging directives allowed inside a Location or LocationMatch directive?


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> On 23 Oct 2019, at 18:41, Martin T <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a following Apache virtual host configuration where custom
> call_Google_MP_API script receives the IP address and HTTP User-Agent
> string as standard input if is
> downloaded:
> <IfModule ssl_module>
>    <VirtualHost *:443>
>        /* configuration removed for brevity */
>        SetEnvIf Request_URI "^/doc\.pdf$" pdfdoc
>        LogFormat "%h %{User-agent}i" ga
>        CustomLog "|/usr/local/bin/call_Google_MP_API" ga env=pdfdoc
>    </VirtualHost>
> </IfModule>
> As my web server had setenvif_module and log_config_module already
> loaded, then I used SetEnvIf directive to set the "pdfdoc" internal
> variable when doc.pdf is downloaded, LogFormat directive to set the
> nickname "ga" for specific log format and finally CustomLog directive
> to pipe this custom log format to call_Google_MP_API script if
> "pdfdoc" variable is set, i.e URL is
> accessed.
> While this seems to work fine, then is this the correct/optimal way to
> accomplish this?
> I'm using Apache version 2.4.38 on Debian 10.
> thanks,
> Martin
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