Hi all,

I have apache 2.4 servicing some php code. Apache is configured to service
HTTPs pages.
I have also a tomcat app which can be accessed at http://server_ip:8443/app.

I need to be able to access the tomcat app within the main GUI which is
build on php and accessed with HTTPs.

I've tried the reverse proxy things with apache without success.

Currently I have at default-ssl.conf of apache:

                ProxyRequests Off
                ProxyPreserveHost On
                ProxyPass /var/www/myapp/
                ProxyPassReverse /var/www/myapp/ http://localhost:8443/

where "myapp" is the directory with the php code that actually loads with

The above does not function though.
What I need to achieve is users to be able to access from the main
interface the tomcat app. I would like to avoid also configuring self
signed certs for tomcat as the user receives alerts on certificate issues.

Please advise hoe can this be achieved.
Thank you.

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