Hi team,


                I need to access to a web app from the local network and
from internet (GLPI)


                I use linuxlite =ubuntu 18.04 and Apache 2 with SSL


                The current configuration is :

*       (in < /etc/apache2/ > folder)

Apache2.conf :

<Directory /var/www/html>

AllowOverride All



                               - (in < /etc/apache2/conf-available > folder


<Directory /var/www/html/glpi>

AllowOverride All




Options -Indexes



<Directory /var/www/html/glpi/files>

Options -Indexes



                With this setup, the site is not available from Internet.
How to do ?


                And I can access it about 10 minutes from local machine and
after a error message appears : < A link to the SQL server could not be
establied. Please check your configuration >


                So, it's not reliable.


                I don't understand and I don't know what to do ?


                Thanks by advance for your help


Best regard


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