OK, so I figured out what’s going on, but it has opened up a whole new mystery 
for me.

I took a look at the back-end server logs and for everything that was “working” 
I found that, for a config line like this:

ProxyPassMatch "^/login$" balancer://webfarm/login.php

A request to https://servername/login produced an access_log entry like this:

"GET /login.php/login HTTP/1.1" 200 610 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux 
x86_64; rv:84.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/84.0"

So, why this works, is a mystery to me, but I do get /login.php run and 
returned (and also /login in the $_SERVER superglobal PATH_INFO variable).

But, when I use the config line of:

ProxyPassMatch "^/favicon.ico$" balancer://webfarm/favicon.ico

I get an access_log entry of:

"GET /favicon.ico/favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 221 "https://servername/server"; 
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:84.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/84.0"

So I guess Apache knows to pass the first example the PHP file to the PHP-FPM 
interpreter even with extraneous trailing data, but not to return the 
favicon.ico file when asked for /favicon.ico/favicon.ico.  Since I don't know 
how the first example is working, I guess I can't be too upset about the second 
example not working at all.

Anyway, that explains my 404 on requests for favicon.ico when using 
ProxyPassMatch. But it now raises the question of why the reverse proxy is 
doing taking the "front-end" URI onto the "back-end" URL. According to 
https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_proxy.html#proxypassmatch “The 
supplied regular expression is matched against the url, and if it matches, the 
server will substitute any parenthesized matches into the given string and use 
it as a new url.” So, to my understanding, since I didn’t provide any 
parenthesized matches, I wouldn’t expect it to tag anything onto the URL sent 
to the back-end server, yet it does. It tags on the entire RegEx.

So what I can do is rework my ProxyPassMatch lines with parens and things work 
as described like:

ProxyPassMatch "^/(login)$" balancer://webfarm/$1.php

ProxyPassMatch "^/(favicon.ico)$" balancer://webfarm/$1

But why does ProxyPassMatch force the RegEx onto the end of the proxied URL 
when I don’t use parentheses. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions,


From: Scott A. Wozny <sawo...@hotmail.com>
Sent: January 3, 2021 5:45 PM
To: users@httpd.apache.org <users@httpd.apache.org>
Subject: [users@httpd] ProxyPass OK, but not ProxyPassMatch for favicon.ico

I’m configuring a reverse proxy in stages. Initially, I just wanted to see if 
the proxying would work, so In a virtual server, I set up a Proxy 
balancer://webfarm with a couple BalancerMembers inside and an lbmethod of 
byrequests. Then I used a:

ProxyPass / balancer://webfarm

to make sure I could get to the content on the back end server and it all 
worked fine. If a file was accessible on the back-end, I would get it back.

Then, to lock things down further, I removed the prefix-based ProxyPass line 
and replaced it with a series of:

ProxyPassMatch "^/pagename$" balancer://webfarm/pagename.php

lines for each page followed by a:

ProxyPass / !

to send everything not explicitly allowed a 404. This all works fine.

Checking my logs I saw favicon.ico was getting sent 404s on the proxy server, 
so I added a line to my config with the other allowed elements:

ProxyPassMatch "^/favicon.ico$" balancer://webfarm/favicon.ico

but after restarting Apache, I still get 404s. Thinking there may be something 
trailing or following that I can’t see, I tried:

ProxyPassMatch "favicon.ico" balancer://webfarm/favicon.ico

restarted and still 404s. The only way I can make it work is with

ProxyPass /favicon.ico balancer://webfarm/favicon.ico

which, while not the end of the world, is inconsistent with my overall lockdown 
strategy so I’m wondering if anyone can tell me where I went wrong. I haven’t 
gotten to the allow-list for my images yet, but I’m worried I’m going to have 
the same problem with them.

Also, I know the ProxyPassMatch line is definitely matching for favicon.ico 
because even if I put the ProxyPass / that passes everything to the back-end 
server back into the config, if it’s below the ProxyPassMatch line for 
favicon.ico I still get a 404.



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