It is likely that the user still has the browser tab open and it refreshes
for some reason, or their browser crashed and reopened, or they use a
session restore tool when they reopen the browser - all of these could
cause an exact duplicate request.
You might want to look into the Post-Redirect-Get pattern.

In a nutshell:
When a POST request completes without any errors, never return any output
except a redirect to a completion page. The browser will make a new GET
request to this page and any POST data will not be included.

This will prevent a form that was submitted successfully from ever being
resubmitted accidentally.

On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 12:00 PM John <> wrote:

> Since the beginning of 2021 we have encountered two online orders and
> possibly a third, where the customer denies making the order and the
> httpd log seems to confirm that.
> In each case, the person made an order and a day or more later a
> second order was placed for the same item and carrying the same credit
> card information.  Since everything looked valid and the delay
> bypassed our duplicate order check, the order was accepted.
> Some background: a customer can connect to our catalogue and move
> around untracked for as long as they want until they decide to place
> an order.  At this point there is only one path to follow to enter
> address info, credit card, etc. This ends with a summary of the order
> and if they click to proceed, it POST's the server order processor
> with the relevant info causing the credit card to be charged and the
> order to be entered. In total 3 scripts must be processed in the
> correct order.
> I scanned for the customer's IP in the httpd access log in each case
> and found that when they made the valid order they were on our
> catalogue and followed the correct path to place the order, confirming
> it as expected.
> BUT, and here is what I am having trouble understanding, for the
> invalid order ONLY the last request was logged as received by httpd.
> It shows the correct source (ie the page that should have resulted in
> an order) yet that page does not show in the httpd log as having been
> served.  In one case, NO other page was served to that customer on
> that day ahead of the received order, at least judging from IP
> addresses in use.
> So what I appear to be seeing is a replay from the Internet which I
> find hard to accept as real.  Has anyone ever seen this before and if
> so what did they do to resolve it?  The only other possibility that I
> can think of is that their browser cached the page and re-transmitted
> it. (a violation of the HTML standard I think for a form page).
> The environment is Apache 2.4.25 on Fedora using php-fpm.
> Thanks in advance and apologies for the length of this post.
> John
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