I do not understand how this scam works, but it made me laugh. My daddy is 
going to sue you if I don’t get my pony…


I needed that. SIGH.


Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 6:37 PM
Subject: [users@httpd] School Project cancelled


Dear Sir/Mme,


My name is Emily I am 14 years old from Sussex.

I wanted to know how to setup a website with Apache.

I did not know where to start and what comes next.


I was following the thread by back button because he/she knew the concepts and 
He/she knew exactly questions to ask and the order of steps.

I was finding it helpful because it was helping me to do my project.


Now I can't do my project any more because you have taken that email off .


My Daddy is a Barrister and he said if you don't apologise to him/her and 

his/her account. 


My Daddy will help me to pursue legal action for obstructing me from doing my 
school project.


Yours Sincerely


Emily Bundit

Age 14.







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