On Wed, 12 Jan 2022 22:15:23 +0100, Bo Berglund <bo.bergl...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Ubuntu server 20.04.3 Apache2
>I am trying to install support for rendering files with extension .md so they
>are displayed like for example md files in GitHub.
>So I have asked on Ubuntu User mail list and got directed to this module on
>I have checked out on trunk and performed the steps in README.md to build and
>deposit the module file here (I had to work around deficiencies in 
>but finally got there):

I have been able to get it going but I have a question regarding which paths to
use inside the site configuration files:

In the file /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf I have added this:

    AddHandler markdown .md
    # If you want to use stylesheet.
    MarkdownCss /styles/markdown.css

The path here refers to the site documentroot AFAICT and it works if I put the
css file in a document root subdir "styles"

But I have read other documentation that uses an absolute file system path in
this case instead:

    MarkdownCss /opt/misc/apache-mod-markdown/markdown.css

This looks like it could be a way to use the same css file on several sites
using markdown without duplication..

What is the real deal here? Are paths in these files possible to be both
documentroot relative and absolute file system paths?
Which should be used?
And how does apache differentiate between them?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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