On Thu, 13 Jan 2022 12:15:54 -0500, Eric Covener <cove...@gmail.com> wrote:

>>     MarkdownCss /opt/misc/apache-mod-markdown/markdown.css
>From the code you linked to, this seems like it would pretend to work
>if you ran it locally in a browser on the webserver.
>The content of the CSS file is not incorporated into the output, only
>a meta tag with the path verbatim that would not work non-local.

I have the basics running with the document-root relative path for the css file.
So my question was really solved by testing, I am just wondering if both are
allowed because it seems like Apache would have a problem then deciding which to

I have another problem now and that is the following:

When using FirFox with the Markdown Viewer Webext add-on I can only ever view md
files if they are local. I.e. Firefox opens an url like this:

Then the add-on thinks for a good time (depending on file size) and then renders
the page OK. It seems like it converts to html somewhere on my disk and then
opens that.

But if I put the md file on my webserver (without having thios server side
parsing) then I expected the add-on to again render the file into a html and
display it. But that does not happen at all, FireFox just opens a dialog to ask
me with what to open the file?
Obviously, the AddOn is not among what I can select from so it tries to save to
disk instead.

So I need to get the  server side working and I have gotten it *almost* working,
but in fact it fails in many places inside the docuemnt.
Whenever there is a code section it is hit or miss if it will understand it,
sometimes it just displays the 3 ticks and then the whole code mass as a single
block of text without formatting...

I wonder if the https://github.com/hamano/apache-mod-markdown code is really
working fully?
It seems to have big problems.

Is there some alternative around?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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