Hi all,

I am struggling to make the config working for a reverse proxy with members 
serving with https. All suggestions are welcome and appreciated.

In my set up I have a few servers serving the same service but not all of them 
are online at the same time. Hence I got a health check service running as well 
to detect the offline members.

My set up was working fine until I added the health check bit. The health check 
is disabling all members due to SSL handshake issue. The I've been adding a few 
directives but only can access the service via the reverse proxy for a minute 
before the health check kicks in and marked all members off.

My config is something like this
<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerName <masked-out>

SSLProxyEngine on
ProxyRequests off
SSLProxyVerify none
SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off
SSLProxyCheckPeerName off
SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire off

SSLCertificateFile <masked-out>.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile <masked-out>.key
SSLCertificateChainFile <masked-out>.crt

CustomLog <masked-out>.log combined
ErrorLog <masked-out>.log

ProxyHCExpr api_good {hc('body') =~ /Healthy/}

ProxyHCTemplate hc_dev_ams_sec hcinterval=45 hcpasses=1 hcfails=1 hcmethod=GET 
hcexpr=api_good hcuri=/sec/health

<proxy balancer://api_dev_ams_sec>
BalancerMember https://brgvdhasf16:4301 hctemplate=hc_dev_ams_sec
BalancerMember https://brgvdhasf17:4301 hctemplate=hc_dev_ams_sec

ProxyPreserveHost on
ProxyPass /sec balancer://api_dev_ams_sec/sec
ProxyPassReverse /sec balancer://api_dev_ams_sec/sec

I could see this in the log

[Thu Jun 09 17:01:51.899492 2022] [proxy_hcheck:debug] [pid 61220:tid 812] 
mod_proxy_hcheck.c(480): AH03248: Creating hc worker 21c546c7cc0 for 
[Thu Jun 09 17:01:51.899492 2022] [proxy:debug] [pid 61220:tid 812] 
proxy_util.c(2123): AH00925: initializing worker 21c546c7cc0 shared
[Thu Jun 09 17:01:51.899492 2022] [proxy:debug] [pid 61220:tid 812] 
proxy_util.c(2183): AH00927: initializing worker 21c546c7cc0 local
[Thu Jun 09 17:01:51.899492 2022] [proxy:debug] [pid 61220:tid 812] 
proxy_util.c(2214): AH00930: initialized pool in child 61220 for (brgvdhasf16) 
min=0 max=64 smax=64
[Thu Jun 09 17:01:51.899492 2022] [proxy_hcheck:debug] [pid 61220:tid 812] 
mod_proxy_hcheck.c(894): AH03256: Health checking https://brgvdhasf16:4301
[Thu Jun 09 17:01:51.899492 2022] [proxy:debug] [pid 61220:tid 812] 
proxy_util.c(2532): AH00942: HCOH: has acquired connection for (brgvdhasf16)
[Thu Jun 09 17:01:51.900491 2022] [proxy:debug] [pid 61220:tid 812] 
proxy_util.c(3277): AH02824: HCOH: connection established with (brgvdhasf16)
[Thu Jun 09 17:01:51.900491 2022] [proxy:debug] [pid 61220:tid 812] 
proxy_util.c(3463): AH00962: HCOH: connection complete to 
[Thu Jun 09 17:01:51.900491 2022] [ssl:info] [pid 61220:tid 812] [remote] AH01964: Connection to child 0 established (server 
[Thu Jun 09 17:01:51.901490 2022] [ssl:info] [pid 61220:tid 812] [remote] AH02003: SSL Proxy connect failed
[Thu Jun 09 17:01:51.901490 2022] [ssl:info] [pid 61220:tid 812] [remote] AH01998: Connection closed to child 0 with abortive 
shutdown (server ####<masked-out>#######:443)
[Thu Jun 09 17:01:51.901490 2022] [ssl:info] [pid 61220:tid 812] [remote] AH01997: SSL handshake failed: sending 502
[Thu Jun 09 17:01:51.901490 2022] [proxy:debug] [pid 61220:tid 812] 
proxy_util.c(2547): AH00943: HCOH: has released connection for (brgvdhasf16)
[Thu Jun 09 17:01:51.901490 2022] [proxy_hcheck:debug] [pid 61220:tid 812] 
mod_proxy_hcheck.c(589): AH03251: Health check GET Status (1) for 21c546c7cc0.
[Thu Jun 09 17:01:51.901490 2022] [proxy_hcheck:info] [pid 61220:tid 812] 
AH03303: Health check DISABLING https://brgvdhasf16:4301
[Thu Jun 09 17:01:51.901490 2022] [proxy_hcheck:debug] [pid 61220:tid 812] 
mod_proxy_hcheck.c(480): AH03248: Creating hc worker 21c546c2940 for 
[Thu Jun 09 17:01:51.901490 2022] [proxy:debug] [pid 61220:tid 812] 
proxy_util.c(2123): AH00925: initializing worker 21c546c2940 shared
[Thu Jun 09 17:01:51.901490 2022] [proxy:debug] [pid 61220:tid 812] 
proxy_util.c(2183): AH00927: initializing worker 21c546c2940 local
[Thu Jun 09 17:01:51.901490 2022] [proxy:debug] [pid 61220:tid 812] 
proxy_util.c(2214): AH00930: initialized pool in child 61220 for (brgvdhasf17) 
min=0 max=64 smax=64
[Thu Jun 09 17:01:51.901490 2022] [proxy_hcheck:debug] [pid 61220:tid 812] 
mod_proxy_hcheck.c(894): AH03256: Health checking https://brgvdhasf17:4301
[Thu Jun 09 17:01:51.901490 2022] [proxy:debug] [pid 61220:tid 812] 
proxy_util.c(2532): AH00942: HCOH: has acquired connection for (brgvdhasf17)
[Thu Jun 09 17:01:53.934330 2022] [proxy:error] [pid 61220:tid 812] (OS 
10061)No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused 
it. : AH00957: HCOH: attempt to connect to (brgvdhasf17) 
[Thu Jun 09 17:01:53.934330 2022] [proxy:debug] [pid 61220:tid 812] 
proxy_util.c(2547): AH00943: HCOH: has released connection for (brgvdhasf17)
[Thu Jun 09 17:01:53.934330 2022] [proxy_hcheck:debug] [pid 61220:tid 812] 
mod_proxy_hcheck.c(589): AH03251: Health check GET Status (-1) for 21c546c2940.
[Thu Jun 09 17:01:53.934330 2022] [proxy_hcheck:info] [pid 61220:tid 812] 
AH03303: Health check DISABLING https://brgvdhasf17:4301

Nam Van | DevOps Manager
Level 1, 47 Gilby Road, Mount Waverley VIC 3149
t 03 9575 9040 |  f 03 9575 9001 |  m 0451 963 701
braveenergy.com.au <http://www.braveenergy.com.au/>

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