
I initially reported this in April 2021 and @Yann Ylavic quickly made a
patch out of it. I am not sure why it didn't make it.

You can see the conversation here for reference:

I also agree it is a good patch and although I initially had issues with it
it was probably due to some problem on my part.

Your confirmation may be good enough to validate it and propose it for next
release perhaps?

Thanks for bringing this back.


El jue, 17 nov 2022 a las 17:26, Benjamin Davis (<
benjaminda...@codeweavers.net>) escribió:

> Hey All,
> we have apache2 2.4.54 setup as a load balancer for our IIS backend
> servers. We would like to be able to carry out health checks using
> mod_proxy_hcheck and check that the backend server is serving a webpage. We
> have successfully set this up however in the event that a health check
> request to the backend hangs, apache never reaches a timeout and therefore
> the healthcheck doesn't fail.
> We have found a commit
> https://github.com/apache/httpd/commit/ab2b9dbfb74049ad207a91c45971948127dde893
>  that
> fixes this issue, we have verified this by building apache with this change
> applied and confirmed that when a timeout is provided in the apache
> balancer configuration, specifically on the BalancerMember line, the
> healthcheck(s) will timeout and put the backend into a failed state.
> This code is not in the latest apache release, does anyone have any idea
> if this will be part of a future release? Or can advise regarding this
> issue.
> Many thanks
> Ben
> --
> Ben Davis
> Infrastructure Engineer
> Website: www.codeweavers.net
> Barn 4, Dunston Business Village, ST18 9AB. Registered in England and
> Wales
> No. 04092394 VAT registration no. 974 9705 63

Daniel Ferradal
HTTPD Project
#httpd help at Libera.Chat

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