I have currently such virtual host config:

      1 <Directory /aaa/bbbb/cccc>
      2   AllowOverride All
      3   Require all granted
      4 </Directory>

     45 <Location />
     46   Order deny,allow
     47   Deny from all
     48   #Allow from all
     49   Allow from
     50   #Allow from
     51   # allow cron

The idea is that I can quickly limit access to the website by uncommenting just 
a single line in the config. However when I change it to 

     47   #Deny from all
     48   Allow from all

Such files in dirs are not protecting files any more

[@]# cat /aaa/bbbb/cccc/dddd/eeee/.htaccess
Order deny,allow
Deny from all

Anyone know what I need to add to the location /  section?

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