
Apache noob here. I have apache 2.4.59 setup as a reverse caching proxy in
order to cache files requested by clients from a server on the Internet. I
want to also use an upstream forward proxy that controls access to the 'net
with basic authentication. I have Squid 4.14 running on Windows as
the forward proxy with basic auth enabled (basic_ncsa_auth.exe). I've
confirmed that the basic auth on squid works using a browser (I get an
authorization prompt and the expected username and password work). However,
I'm not having the same luck with apache. In an included .conf file I have:

ProxyRemote * user:password

When I was not using authentication and just had:

ProxyRemote *

apache was using the squid proxy without issue. But now that I've enabled
basic auth on squid and added the user:password argument to the apache
.conf, it is failing with HTTP 407 errors (proxy authentication required).

Any ideas? Am I using the 3rd ProxyRemote argument correctly? These values
don't need to be Base64 encoded do they? I'm following the documentation
here: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_proxy.html#proxyremote

Thank you and apologies if I've left out any important info!


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