On 25 February 2014 11:23, GESCONSULTOR - Óscar Bou

> Perhaps passing as parameters an "entity" that allows to access all Domain
> Services (such as the "this.service(xxx)" method on BDD Tests).
This is similar to an original design I did for the big Naked Objects
system in Ireland.  The idea was to build a non-persistent domain object (a
view model, I suppose, in today's terminology), and have it grab the
relevant information to feed into the document from wherever.

This is also what gave rise to the XmlSnapshotting capability, that lives
on today as the XmlSnapshotService [4].

One possibility would be to extend the isis-domainservice-docx to
"natively" use the output from the XmlSnapshotService as its input.
 Another would be to wrap isis-domainservice-docx with a slightly higher
level service that could use some cunning XSLT to convert.

That is:

[domainObject (view model) pojo]  -> xmlSnapshotService -> [xml] ->
xslTransformService -> [html] -> isis-domainservice-docx -> [docx]

But I'm not sure it's necessarily worth the effort.  I chose html as the
input to isis-domainservice-docx just so it'd be easy to rationalize about
whether the docx output was correct.  Having a complex pipeline such as the
above somewhat obfuscates matters.


[4] http://isis.apache.org/reference/services/xmlsnapshot-service.html

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