Hi David,
When you say "via EJB" do you mean that you want to "front end" ISIS 
application with session beans and invoke those from another application via 
remote EJB invocation? 
Are you are saying that you want to do that just because you want to avoid 
having to learn REST/Json? 
Or you are thinking you need to expose some coarse grained services via session 
beans as opposed to having to deal with the fine grained RO that would be the 
case if you didn't make use of ISIS View objects?  
Have you considered using using ISIS View objects (a view over the Domain 
layer) to achieve a coarse grained RO interface to match the granularity that 
you need? 
Or is it the case that you are required to wrap and use remote EJB invocation 
to enlist the ISIS based application service in a distributed managed 
transaction? But presumably because you were already considering using the RO 
interface, then this is not a requirement?
I think more information about your architecture constraints and requirements 
is needed.

     On Friday, 24 July 2015 7:52 AM, David Harrison <dharri...@psionline.com> 


We are interested in integrating Apache ISIS Domain Services (and Domain 
Objects)  in an existing application architecture, via EJB.  We briefly 
investigated using the RESTful interface, but the HATEOAS (hypertext as the 
engine of application state) style of interacting with ISIS was a bit more 
involved than we feel comfortable using as this point in time.

Is there a way to access ISIS Domain Services via EJB ?

If someone can point me (and my colleagues) in the right direction, we would be 

Best Regards,
David Harrison and Ashwin Shimpi

Apache Tomee 1.6.2  and EJB 3
OpenJDK Java 1.8.0
Apache ISIS - latest version,  1.8.0


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