Ok Dan.

We will upgrade our project as is to latest snapshot to verify compatibility. 

Finally we will be able to do it this week.

Keep you informed.


> El 17/8/2015, a las 11:41, Dan Haywood <d...@haywood-associates.co.uk> 
> escribió:
> Hi Oscar,
> I don't think we necessarily need you to verify the AppManifest/AppSpec 
> stuff... we've migrated Estatio over but I'd like to ensure the "old"  way 
> still works, so in some ways having an app that's using the latest snapshot 
> but not migrated over to AppManifest would be good.
> The main thing is like us to confirm that running against DN4.1.2 (as per 
> latest snapshot) is ok.
> Cheers, 
> Dan.
>> On 17 Aug 2015 09:56, "GESCONSULTOR - Óscar Bou" <o....@gesconsultor.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi Dan.
>> Seems perfect to me to have a monthly release schedule
>> Regarding releasing 1.9.0 now we’re currently with a 1.9.0 SNAPSHOT but this 
>> week will be difficult to migrate and test our platform to verify all tests 
>> still pass after the AppSpecs changes.
>> If you consider those tests are needed, next week would be better for us, 
>> when dev team return from holidays, but perhaps that’s not needed.
>> Regards,
>> Oscar
>>> El 16/8/2015, a las 9:50, Dan Haywood <d...@haywood-associates.co.uk> 
>>> escribió:
>>> On 16 August 2015 at 08:16, Kevin Meyer <ke...@kmz.co.za> wrote:
>>>> Question: Given the changes, shouldn't we release a major release (2.0.0)
>>>> [1]? The API certainly has changed since 1.7 (I call annotations part of
>>>> the API).
>>> As you say, we aim to follow semantic versioning.  But although we've
>>> deprecated those old annotations they are still supported; which means that
>>> we stay on 1.x codeline.  (I'm looking forward to moving up to 2.0 at some
>>> point in the future so I can delete a bunch of deprecated stuff, but I
>>> don't think it's been deprecated for long enough... the old annotations
>>> were deprecated less than a year ago)
>>> While on this topic, worth saying that setting the
>>> "isis.reflector.validator.allowDeprecated" configuration property to false
>>> is a useful migration step as it will flag all uses of the deprecated
>>> annotations. [2]
>>>> Re: your proposal for regular releases after this should be ok to push
>>>> enhancements out into non-snapshot release, my only concern is that
>>>> regularly releases should be OK as long as user devs developing with our
>>>> platform don't have to change any existing code.
>>> Absolutely, the intention is that it we would maintain backward
>>> compatibility of the programming model (annotations etc).
>>> As can be seen through the various 1.x releases, we have changed/improved
>>> the bootstrapping and organization of code, and that might continue.  eg
>>> the move to DN 4.x changes some of the pom.xml entries, and the new
>>> appManifest stuff recommends introducing a new "myapp-app" module.  See
>>> migration notes [3]
>>>> It's OK if it's a bugfix/feature/enhancement that adds new functionality,
>>>> when user devs just add more code to access it - but I would be concerned
>>>> about monthly releases that require changes to code in production....
>>> Agreed; that's not the intention.
>>>> I'm interested in other opinions..
>>>> Cheers!
>>>> Kevin
>>>> PS: The new asciidoc website looks really good!
>>> Cheers... it took some work, and still work in progress, but I'm pleased
>>> with how it's turned out and also how easy it is to update.
>>>> [1] http://semver.org/
>>> [2] http://isis.apache.org/guides/rg.html#_rg_runtime_configuring-core
>>> [3]
>>> http://isis.apache.org/migration-notes.html#_release-notes_migration-notes_1.8.0-to-1.9.0
>> Óscar Bou Bou
>> Responsable de Producto
>> Auditor Jefe de Certificación ISO 27001 en BSI
>>    902 900 231 / 620 267 520
>>    http://www.twitter.com/oscarbou
>>    http://es.linkedin.com/in/oscarbou
>>    http://www.GesConsultor.com 
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