Hi folks,

[this mail is for those that build Apache Isis from source code; ignore

The ASF board recently gave guidance that git release tags should be held
under "refs/tags/rel" branch, with any tags pushed to this path
unmodifiable. This provides appropriate traceability/provenance of source
code releases.

Accordingly I've gone through all our old tags, eg isis-1.11.1 and created
a new tag rels/isis-1.11.1.  I've then deleted the old tag.

If you have a clone or fork of the Apache Isis code, then I recommend that
you clean up the tags on your repo.

Assuming that:
* 'upstream' is the remote for the Apache Isis repo (normally
* 'origin' is the remote name for your own fork of Apache Isis repo

To pull down the new "rel" tags, use:

git fetch upstream --tags

To push these new tags up to your own fork, use:

git push origin --tags

To delete all the non-rel tags on your local repo, use:

for a in `git tag | grep -v rel` ; do echo $a; git tag -d $a; done

To delete all the non-rel tags on your own fork, use:

for a in `git ls-remote --tags origin | grep -v "\^" | grep -v rel | awk
'{print $2}' | cut -c11-`; do echo $a; git push origin :refs/tags/$a; done


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