
We’ve had a number of support requests relating to new users of our application 
that are not yet fully familiar with their business process. 
We do not wish to invalidate input as many business rules are not clearly 
defined in a ‘correct/incorrect’ fashion, with many exceptions and special 

As a middle ground, I would like to propose an extension of the metamodel with 
a support method similar to validateXxx(), which renders the familiar dialog 
and warning message underneath the input field with another colour (yellow, 
probably) but does not block the user from completing the action.

Does anyone else consider this to be a useful addition, and if so, what would 
be a good method prefix? My first thought was warnXxx(), but that does not make 
a lot of sense syntactically; after all, we aren’t warning the action in 
question (as opposed to validate/hide/disableXxx()) but the user instead.

Sander Ginn

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