On 19.01.2023 21:19, Jesse wrote:
I do understand the reasoning for the change, but I take issue with
breaking changes making it into a stable point release.

It's only breaking if you don't adjust your project setup or deployment.

And yes, documentation for that may have to improve.

To further test, I removed all Guava code from my application and removed
the explicit dependency of Guava in my POM. Everything compiles again, but
now I receive a different runtime exception: "Caused by:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.google.common.cache.Weigher". It
seems to be failing on the line where I call

Is it possible the dependency is not actually compile only, and it is
indeed needed at runtime? I ran "mvn dependency:tree" and don't see Guava
listed anywhere.

Oak currently requires Guava (>= 15.0 and < 21.0) in the class path
(just like javax.jcr). How it gets there depends on how your setup.

Best regards, Julian

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