On 30/07/12 13:33, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:

Hello Andy,

On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 05:22:57PM +0100, Andy Seaborne wrote:
How big are the node* files (node2id.dat, .idn, nodes.dat) in the
resulting database in this case?

node2id.dat 9470738432 bytes

9,470,738,432 => 9G

node2id.idn 50331648 bytes

50,331,648 => 50M

Much less than RAM size.

nodes.dat 20182577027 bytes

This file is written sequentially and isn't read during loading so should not be an issue.

In 64 bit mode, the B+Tree node2id is a memory mapped file and the OS takes care of paging+caching the data.

I think that use of

  JVM_ARGS="-Xmx32768M -server"

is in fact making things worse: the heap grows to 32G, reducing the space available to the OS for mmap files. So it is squeezing out the OS managed mmap files and the result is that there is little real RAM devoted to caching the node table.

2G heap should be enough IIRC (caveat long literals).



Michael Brunnbauer

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